A website needs to write SEO articles to attract its target audience. This article can be a blog or an informational page. The informational pages can be of many types, like some may describe a product and some may be educational.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a profession that helps in making the websites readable for the readers and making it easier to find.
Several years ago, the SEO didn’t need to be a writer. Sometimes the websites used contents that were computer-generated. However, nowadays this is not the case. Today, there is a need for good contents, which will gain the interest of the readers. It should also contain information which will be important and relevant to them.
So, you have to know the Content Writing 101 to write good SEO content.
Steps For Content Writing 101
Let’s see what are the steps you need to follow to write a good SEO content which will increase your traffic and conversion rate:
Give Relevant Information To Your Readers
For creating quality content, first, you have to make sure that the article is saying what it is intended to say. You have to consider the title and the keyword phrases which you are going to use in the article and think about what purpose it serves for the user.
You have to keep yourself in the place of the reader and see what they will want to see when they read the heading. By considering this, you will be able to provide relevant information to your readers.
Make Your Content Engaging and Clear
Always make sure to use active voice in your posts. Your writing must be to-the-point, direct and clear. You dont have to beat around the bush to get to the point. By doing so, you may bore your readers, and that is not good for your website.
Make use of transitions effectively to help the readers move through the article. Additionally, write in a tone that suits your audience. Like. if you are writing for children, then you should go for a more simple language so that they can understand it. Different audience requires different tones so that they can understand and also get the interest to read it.
Implement Keywords When it Occurs Naturally
Keywords are very important for your website as it helps the people to find your page when they are searching on Google. However, you should never use it in places where it sounds like a robot. The keywords should be placed where it will sound more like humans.
It is also not good to use the keyword more than it naturally sounds. You will want to use some high-value keywords numerous times, but it does not mean that you will use it in a awkwardly-sounding way in your article.
If you want to use the keywords a few times more but it will seem forced, then you can add some more content and try to use it there, but not forcibly.
Avoid Using Unnecessary Things in Your Post
If you have a word count to meet for a certain article, you should never write by keeping it in mind. You need to write as much as you need to let the readers know about the topic.
If you see that by including all the relevant things, the size of the article is less than the given word count, then you should not increase it by adding irrelevant points. Rather you should find something which will add more information and not just increase the length of the article.
Improve Your Readability With the Help of Formatting
People dont have the patience to read long texts to find the pieces of information they need. Rather, you can break a long post by using headings, subheadings, and bullets. This will make it easier for the readers to go through the article. Additionally, it will also help you to organize the writings on the post. And headings are a good place for inserting your keywords.
Provide Link to Good Sources
After you have completed your article, think about the resources used by you to write the blog. If you think that this resource will also help your readers, then you can also give its link in your blog.
If you have mentioned any organization or websites specifically, then your readers may want to know about them. Hence, you can put the links for that organization or websites in your blog. This information will provide the readers with more information and it may also be beneficial to them.
Tell Your Story With the Helo of Photos
Using of diagrams and charts will make it easier to covey what you are actually wanting to say in a more interesting manner. In addition, the using of photos will make the visual aspect of your webpage more appealing.
However, you just have to be careful about the copyright claims when you are selecting the photos.
Be Sure to Do Proof Reading At Least Once before Releasing It
After you have completed writing the post, read it all over again at least once. This may make you notice the mistakes in your post which you may have overlooked the first time.
You, will be able to recognize the places where you might have not answered the questions clearly, and also the overuse of keywords. Proofreading is very important if you want to deliver flawless content.
These are the Content Writing 101 tips to create good SEO content. By using these steps, your content will be user-friendly and will also rank higher in the Google pages. You will also get good traffic rate and a good rate of conversion for your website.
So, follow these Content Writing 101 tips to boost your website