You will be surprised to know that the percentage of contents which gets no traffic is almost 91%. By using good marketing strategies you will be able to improve the awareness for the brand.
Blogging is one of the strategies to generate traffic. But, only by writing a good blog will not give you traffic. For that, you need to write SEO-friendly content and also should be keyword-focused. By doing so, the content will generate good traffic.
In this article, I will be discussing 5 such tips to create a good blog post structure that is SEO-friendly and also will be easier for the users to read.
Steps You Should Follow to Create an SEO-Friendly Content
By following these tips you will be able to get good traffic and even rank on the first page of Google.
1. Recognizing The Keywords Which are Highly-Effective
In one second Google handles almost 40,000 search queries. So, for you to get ahead of all these queries and outrank them, you have to recognize the keywords which are most effective and most likely to get searched by the people.
For you to recognize those keywords, you have to go to the social platform where your target audiences usually are and see what is trending currently. You have to observe what they are searching for and what phrases are they using while searching.
You can also take the help of Google Trends to get an idea about the keywords which are popular at the moment. Some of the keywords may show declining numbers over the days, these are not suitable for your website. Whereas there are also keywords which have an increasing number, you can use them on our website.
If you are still facing difficulty recognizing the correct keywords, you can take ideas from your competitors also. You can find out which keywords are helping them to rank. If those are relevant to your business, then you can implement it in your blog.
The keywords you are using today will evolve with the passing time as will the terminology, and the service line. Hence, you have to frequently do keyword research to ensure that you are using the correct keywords.
2. Implementing The Keywords For Blogs Correctly
After you have chosen a set of keywords that you want to focus on, now you have to write a blog that will focus on a keyword from this list. You have to discuss with your team about the topic of your post which will attract the target audience.
You have to keep in mind the interests, challenges, motivations of the customers. By using these factors in your blog, you will be able to resonate with your customers very easily.
When you are writing the blog, the natural variations and your keywords must be spread at a regular interval all over your post. You have to put your keywords in the following places for making them more effective:
1. Title
2. Heading
3. Subheading.
4. URL
5. Meta description
6. Throughout the content
While writing the blogs, you should keep in mind that you are writing for the human to read and not the search engines. For this reason, you have to focus on making the writing as natural as possible and also taking their interest and necessity in mind.
However, you should never overuse any keyword for blogs. This may lead to the penalizing of your website permanently. Even if your site does not get penalized, you will be sacrificing the reading experience of your reader. This may cause the reader to switch websites.
3. Providing Links of Top Ranking Websites
When you are writing your blog, you must always give links to another blog or article. Linking your website with other top-ranking websites will offer the readers more material to increase their knowledge and Google will know that you have done good research in writing the blog.
By giving links to other websites, you may also get some links in return also. You can also make your blog strong by including research-backed statistics and hard-to-argue from well-reputed websites. By including interesting stats, you will give your readers a strong arguing point and also something to think upon.
4. Try To Give Longer, Scannable Posts
Today the attention span of humans have decreased, and so you may be thinking to write short blogs is the best option. However, search engines give preference to longer blogs. This is because longer blogs mean that you have done good research on that subject.
Hence, by writing long blogs, you will have a greater chance of ranking higher in google. This is because longer posts will provide more clues to the search engines for understanding what the post is written about.
However, there is also some downside to posts. It can make the readers not willing to read the whole post. So, the question rises “How to make a long post interesting to the readers?”
The solution is to write readable and scannable blogs, which will hook the readers easily. You can write tight paragraphs. Try to make your paragraphs of maximum 2-3 sentences long.
You must also make use of subheadings and bullets to catch the reader’s attention. If you use these strategies, then you will be able to create a blog that will be easy for the readers to read.
5. Use Interlinking to Your Website For Phrases and Words
By linking other blogs on your website, the search engine will be able to create an even more precise sitemap. Also, by interlinking, your audience will come to know more about your other content, which will also make them trust you even more.
Moreover, if you interlink to your website, and your content is relevant, then the audience will be on your website for a longer duration of time. This will reduce your bounce rate and improve the chance of a conversion. The use of natural language is always preferable for an anchor text.
You should also keep in mind to never use links forcibly on the top webpages of your website. This will only make the readers annoyed and can also lead to penalties for your website.
So, to create a good SEO-friendly content, you have to follow these tips. These steps will make you rank on the first page of Google. As a result, you will get good traffic and a good conversion rate.